Saturday, June 14, 2008

It's NORM !!!

Yep, this is HIM guys!! The Norm, aka Norm Nemrow, BYU accounting teacher extraordinaire! Yep, we're really friends with him and his adorable wife Cindy. They just got back from being Mission President last year in Korea. Norm and Craig were missionary companions in Korea (AP's together) and they were looking over old photos and remembering the good old days. We have such a riot with them. They are coming back to Ohio for more laughs this fall (or is it next fall?) whatever, they are so much fun. We DID go get Korean food with them and enjoyed it.
This is the view from Norm's front porch where he views the world and the neighbors and Mt. Timp. Everyone wants to come over. I felt like a celebrity just sitting there with them!
Norm & Cindy, so cute. I think I still have their wedding announcement. ha-ha
! Looking over old missionary photos, what fun!

1 comment:

heidi said...

Hey Sister Sonksen,

I happened upon your blog looking for contact information for Craig. Steve just got called to serve as Bishop to our stake single adult ward! Yippee! So, he wants to get Craig's advice and expertise. I'd love to know all the secrets that you've discovered! It was so fun to see Kara Liston and her boys looking so cute and handsome on your blog. So fun! And Norm Nemrow . . . Yes, I have a son that is totally in the fan club. He LOVES Norm and his attitude about BYU and all. What a great guy! I'll keep looking for your phone number. I know I found it on line a few months ago. But, in the meantime, just know that STeve would love to talk to Craig. You're wonderful!

Heidi Weed