And yes girls, he's off the market now....and looking pretty happy about it too!! Girlfriend FUN....
Fun, fun, Fun....... lots of presents and the best food fixed by Tiffany's sister, Crystal and her mom. We all enjoyed ourselves and can't wait for the wedding reception!...Feb 2nd.
I think we need that sausage recipe please (Crystal), and fruit kabobs..yum. Even though they were jumping off our plates !! Sorry.
The top of my Christmas tree was so pretty, BUT, the Bishop thought I was making a nest for the angel...he eventually came around to liking my design.
This was a spiritual and fun time all together. Our house was busting at the seams and it was GREAT! We had cello, piano and lots of singing going on...including hugs and farewells for the Christmas holiday. Thank goodness everyone made it back to the"Ohio" safely.